Our History

Our history was shaped by dreamers, doers, and craftsmen

Our history was shaped by dreamers, doers, and craftsmen

This is but a brief storytelling of the many hands who have shaped the past, present, and future of Far Niente.

Far Niente Wine Estates owes its enduring success to the dedication and passion of numerous individuals and families who have nurtured its legacy over the years. Founded by John Benson in 1880, Far Niente was revitalized by Gil Nickel in 1979, whose vision and commitment to excellence set the foundation for its modern era. This family-owned estate flourished through the collaborative efforts of those who helped elevate the winery's reputation and quality. The continued stewardship by the Nickel family and its partners, alongside the contributions of dedicated winemakers, architects, builders, and home team, has ensured that Far Niente remains a cherished Napa Valley institution. Their names and their contribution, though they may not be mentioned below, are not forgotten. Every bottle and every vintage carry forward their spirit of craftsmanship and devotion, honoring the tradition they’ve helped build. Together, they have shaped Far Niente into more than just a winery—it's a living testament to shared vision and hard work.